Friday, 10 December 2010

Friday media...

A few more minutes of airtime on BBC World Service (World Update with Dan Damon) this morning, starting at 47 minutes into the programme...

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Sagas and the Embulance on the airwaves

Today was an epic day. While students were massing in London in the run-up to the vote in Parliament to increase university tuition fees (a disastrous, if not unsurprising outcome with the bill being passed by 21 votes), I collected the Embulance keys and took her on her maiden drive from Nene Overland in Peterborough down the A1/A14 to Cambridge. On arrival, I was straight into a live interview outside the BBC Cams studio which was conducted in the back of the van with Sue Dougan for her  Radio Cambridgeshire 'Sue Dougan in the Afternoon' programme. This was followed by some late afternoon filming for BBC Look East outside the Marshall's Cambridge Control Tower. In a pleasing twist of fate it transpires that the vehicle was converted into an ambulance (for the RAF) at Marshall's in the late 1980s...better yet, the designer, Kevin Peacock, still works for the company and came over to reacquaint himself with his creation and to give me the vehicle's original coachworks badge.  

The radio interview is available for the next 7 days here (starting around 18 mins in after some Elvis... a good 12 minutes or so of chat!) 

The Look East segment will be broadcast locally in the East of England after the national news around 18.45 tomorrow (Friday) evening... I'll put a link up to it after it's gone out for those who'd like to see what the inside of the Embulance looks like!